: Those who dare:

De Montfort University

DeMontfort University tasked us to build on a successful campaign that positioned DMU as a University that ‘breaks conventions’, and continue to recruit new students. 

Our thinking was; to break convention you have to step outside of your comfort zone – being uncomfortable is good! We wanted to communicate this message in a way that’s relevant to a sixth form audience.  

Our idea was: DARE.

We brought the idea to life by, behaving a bit like a major sports brand. Showing student’s breakthrough moments of daring.



DMU is a client Cubo acquired six years ago through simple mail pack. Cubo played an integral part in helping transform the fortunes of the university, by redefining their brand with visual identity and advertising campaigns. One mark of DMU’s success was an unprecedented oversubscription to their courses, which helped to ignite a series positive consequences as the reputation of the university also accelerated. 

The success of this campaign can also be measured by the influence in defining the category. Many copycat ads followed.


Agency: Cubo
Huge credit goes to Alana O’Sullivan, a Junior Copywriter at the time was the brainchild of the campaign.
Strategy: Nick Ward and Chris Walmsley.
Account Manager: Abbie Wood
ECD: Trevor Chambers.

Film Production: Outsider
Director: Max Fisher
DOP: Luke Jacobs

Photography: Pip
