Ballantine’s Finest

Ballantine’s Finest is one of the best selling whiskies in the world, it’s well balanced flavour mixes well with pretty much anything. Cubo were challenged to break down conventional rules of serving whisky, and to make it more accessible to a new wave of drinkers to a global audience that have their own local sensibilities. 

Our idea was: your rules

We brought the idea to life through user generated and unscripted content. We wanted to create something that felt authentic to the audience, even if it meant rebelling against traditional whisky codes.

UGC content:

We created a toolkit of assets to supply to the local market to encourage UGC content. Seeding the campaign with micro influencer content we reached over 1.4m, totaling over 45k likes and comments; doubling Ballantine’s average engagement.


The original brief:

The project started with a BTL brief, to unify the core range which at the time presented a mis-matched portfolio, and make sense of their lifestyle positioning of ‘Stay True’. The simple idea of, ‘How You Like’ was very well adopted universally be local markets around the world, which is renowned to be tricky.



The beauty of the idea meant that markets and adapt the campaign to their local requirements. The assets are supplied as a toolkit if which copy and objects can be edited, for example, each polaroid picture was set as a ‘smart object’ which made it very easy local agencies to import local content.


This is a great example of what a great strategy can do; The mastermind of the creative (murder board and all) was Ben Jones.

Agency: Cubo
Art Director: Ben Jones
Copywriter: Alana O’Sullivan
Strategy: Mariah Dillon/Nick Ward/Chris Walmsley
Acc Managers: Ashley Bene/Rachel Rubinstein

Photography/Film Production: Fat Lemon
Director: James Caddick

BTL Photography: Gary Hamill
